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Modern Slavery Statement

P3M Works Statement on Modern Slavery 2024 

This statement on slavery and human trafficking is published on behalf of P3M Works pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”). This statement applies to the financial year for P3M Works ending 31 December 2024.

P3M Works takes its responsibilities to combat slavery and human trafficking seriously. We support the aims of the Act and HM Governments efforts to build a world where slavery and human trafficking has been eradicated. P3M Works will ensure slavery and human trafficking do not feature in our business or supply chain.

P3M Works is a small company, and has the advantage of assessing its suppliers and building an organisation from the ground up, that is aware and actively screening for signs of modern slavery and trafficking.

Our Organisation’s Structure

P3M Works is a boutique Project Management consultancy, specialising in Cyber Security and Digital Transformation.

P3M Works mainly utilises directly employed staff across 3 main practices and 1 sub practice, however will use contractors to fulfil short term assignments or where specialist expertise is required.

P3M Works has a fit for purpose recruitment process that requires all employees to pass a BPSS background check before entering employment.

Supply Chain

P3M Works has a limited supply chain, and endeavours to consume goods and services from organisations that adhere to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and their international equivalent.

Procurement Processes

P3M Works has a preferred supplier system which vets suppliers before they are onboarded. The process includes some of the following checks:

  • Adherence to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

  • A search for any human rights abuses


P3M WORKS has a number of policies which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These include:

  • Procurement Policy – Outlines accepted practices, including attention given to modern day slavery and human rights abuses.

  • Whistleblowing Policy – Details a whistleblowing process and enshrines protection of whistle-blowers.

  • Recruitment Policy –P3M Works has a recruitment processes in line with UK employment laws, including: ‘right to work’ document checks; credit and BPSS checks as per our contracts of employment and checks to ensure everyone employed is 17 or above. We review salary and rewards annually

  • Modern Slavery training – To educate our staff on modern slavery issues and how to spot potential issues, including the reporting of these issues.

Next steps

As P3M Works grows, we will continue to scale the company to deal with the challenges associated with modern slavery. We will review our policies, including this statement every 12 months or when if required.

This statement has been approved by:

Jack Marley

Founder & Director of P3M Works

30 January 2024

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